
The CPIPE Intervention is a multicomponent theory and evidence-based intervention that enables providers to identify and manage their stress and unconscious bias. The intervention includes 5 components: provider training, peer support, mentorship, embedded champions, and leadership engagement. The training integrates content on PCMC, stress, burnout, and bias into emergency obstetric and neonatal care simulations. The other components create an enabling environment for behavior change. The intervention was designed through an iterative process of formative research and feedback from stakeholders, and informed by the Ecological Perspective, Social Cognitive Theory, and Trauma Informed System framework. The intervention was first pilotted in Migori County, Kenya. It is now been evaluated inĀ  a cluster randomized controlled trial in Kenya and Ghana

CPIPE builds on prior work in Ghana, where we first integrated person-centered maternity care into the PRONTO International's emergency obstetric and neonatal training.

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